Friday, March 30, 2007

Becoming A Contagious Christian, An Inconvenient Truth and the Junos

Time for a quick post here before we go onstage for a show in San Mateo California. A nice area kinda near San Jose.

We had the privilege of spending some time and getting to know a really great family recently. One of the benefits of doing this whole road gig. We met them at the show then spent two days with them later in the week. The father is an author so that helps us to get along with him well. He co-wrote a book called Becoming A Contagious Christian. I'm now reading it and it's worth checking out. More of a report later.

Also just watched An Inconvenient Truth. Wow!! Please, If you haven't seen it, check it out. I'll write a little more about that during my upcoming flights.

About my flights, we are headed to Saskatoon this weekend to be at the Juno Awards. The Juno's are Canada's version of the Grammies. We are very grateful to be nominated for one this year. We have some stiff competition but we know most of them personally so we'll be happy with whoever wins.

Anyway, gotta go play a show in a couple of minutes so I better run. Until next time . . .



Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tony Campolo Interview on CBC

I just watched a great interview on CBC's The Hour. The host was interviewing Tony Campolo. Now to have Tony on a show like that in Canada is really a great thing and he did an awesome job. I'm always inspired after listening to him speak. Please follow the link. The interview is only about 10 minutes. Share your thoughts if you feel so inclined!



Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Velvet Elvis, American Idol and Life

I feel like some sort of explanation is needed for my lack of blogging lately. First off, I’m sure you realize already that I’ll never be a ‘blog every day’ type of guy. I’m just not interested in giving myself that much more to do in a day. And things have been pretty crazy lately, although somehow our drummer Jeremy has been able to find the time to blog. He was coming out of a blogging drought too though.

So anyway, every so often I am reminded that people who I don’t expect to read this blog, read this blog (thanks Gord!). Realizing that my blog is quite out of date I am finally motivated to write one. Today’s blog will just be about what’s been going on lately so I can feel sort of caught up.

If you saw my last post you will have learned that my last trip with the band was pretty nuts. Nuts as far as distance traveled goes. It was also longer than our average time away, which we all seemed to feel. So my time at home, which I am pretty protective of, has mostly been spent with my immediate family and has been quite rejuvenating. I’ve also been getting back to where I need to be for my marathon training. That much travel combined with some bad stomach ailments caused a bit of a slow down for my training. No big deal though as I was a few weeks ahead anyway. I just need to get my speed back up to snuff, which seems to be slowly happening.

As for reading and other things I am taking in right now . . . I read Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis. Loved it, started to read it again and take notes but had to return it. So I’ll pick it up again and get back to you on that one. I also was into a book on climate change. I felt the author was too biased so I didn’t finish. Oh well. There are more balanced books out there. I’m also picking away at Philip Yancey’s book on Prayer. I’ve really been enjoying that one and expect to post about it more in depth in the future. I keep up with my only magazine subscription to Runner’s World regularly. If you run at all it is a great magazine to read. There’s great stuff on health and it’s great for motivation.

And for the first time I am watching American Idol this year. Every single episode so far. It speeds the time in airplanes and is quite entertaining. I’ve gotta say I think that Simon character is usually right on. I don’t appreciate his making fun of people but I do appreciate his honesty in telling someone they shouldn’t sing when they shouldn’t. Don’t these people have friends who love them who should have told them??? Anyway, enough about that. I’m also following Heroes and of course 24!

On top of what I am taking in there I am currently in the throws of editing a fairly lengthy downhere video. I’ve edited down all of the footage from our last trip and I’m at around 65 minutes still!!! Guess this one will be released in parts.

I’ve also gotten back to practicing scales on my bass guitar. Maybe I’m a nerd but I enjoy playing scales. There’s some security in it. Been working on major, minor and diminished whole tone. Sounds like fun doesn't it? Here's one of the books I'm using right now.

That about fills you in. Now I can move on with life and let you know some of the deeper things that have been going on in my brain. But that will be my next post!!



Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Finally Home!!

Just a quick post to let you know what I'm up to. The last couple of weeks were pretty nuts and I'm quite happy to finally be home. I can now eat what I want, which means I haven't had any stomach problems since arriving home. This trip was bad news for my digestive system. I lost about 10 pounds!! I don't really have that much to lose. I hope to get some of it back but not all. Lighter means faster runner right??

Anyway, what I'm most happy about is seeing my family. Grandpa, Daddy and Jonah spent a good part of today in Toronto at the Ontario Sportsman's Show. I used to go to this when I was a teenager to check out all the camping equipment I couldn't afford. So today was nice because our only plans were really for Jonah to have a good time. With tents and boats and 4-wheelers and sea-do's and fishing rods and animal demonstrations and loads of other things going on Jonah had a pretty good time. Here are a few pictures from our day!

Jonah and Daddy at the entrance to the exhibition.

Jonah petting a very friendly Newfoundland Dog

Grandpa and Jonah kickin on the motorcycles.


Saturday, March 10, 2007


Sorry about being gone for so long here. Been quite busy. To give you and update check out Jeremy's site. He's basically got an update of most of the trip we've been on.

I will have more to post coming up.




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