Hark The Herons Is Born
About a year and a half ago I started collaborating with an old friend on some of the songs she had written and on some songs I had written. Our first writing session went so well we decided to get together again. Well that process has repeated itself many times over the past year and eventually turned into recording sessions. We realized we had the makings of a band/group/artist or something anyway so we thought we should name this thing. Naming a music group proves to be a difficult task, you want something clever, memorable, meaningful, available online, etc. After some time we came up with the name Hark The Herons. We live in Cambridge Ontario where the centrepiece to the city is the Grand River. It's curious how many times you can drive over the river and not really notice the beauty of it but when you slow down, stop and sit for a while or go for a walk, you'll start to notice things like the majestic herons. We liked how Hark the Herons sounded somewhat like a call to slow down and not miss the beauty of what's right beside us. We ended up writing a song called Slow Down that speaks to this exact thing.Well the songs are recorded and we're putting the final touches on the artwork right now. We expect the album to be available in itunes and amazon and all the other online sources by May. Here's how the cover turned out. We love it!
For a preview of the songs, we decided to post some of them on YouTube.
They typically end up there eventually so why not be the first ones to post them? And why not something slightly better than just an album cover. So we've been working on camera shots with no camera movement that fit in with the music and the whole idea of Hark The Herons. We've got three songs posted now and will continue to post over the coming weeks. Take a listen, let me know what you think!
Bend, Break
Canadian Heart
Rich Man
The explanation of the name "Hark the Herons" and its bearing on the still-frame movies brought my appreciation up several notches. When the second song became available on youtube recently, I started the song and then moved on to another tab in my browser while it played! This time I turned down the lights, maximized the video, and just sat there watching. And hark! what I had missed before! I choked up slightly. This music is like filaments of childhood memories swaying from a clothesline behind a forgotten home. I can't wait to buy the album and play it while I paint.
Thanks Hannah! I can't wait till you can hear the whole thing. I look forward to seeing some of the art you create while listening!
Sounds very nice so far. I'll listen to it again for sure.
These are excellent tracks! Great job, and I can't wait to hear the rest next month. Keep up the exellent work!
I had wondered about the name and am pleased that the explanation actually makes sense to me. I hate when someone tries to explain an allegory and I still don't get it. Your sound is so fresh and melodic. I'm enjoying the music and look forward to getting the entire CD.
Hi Glenn,
We've met at Kingdom Bound (and taken a picture or two); I am their publicist. I also own BuffaloChristian.com and ChristianMusicDaily.com and have 2700 FB friends and a couple twitter accounts...all this is to say this...Joanne Brokaw wrote about HTH on her blog and I listened to two of your songs and enjoyed them, so if you'd like for me to tell a couple thousand people about HTH, I'd be happy to. If you have a press kit of sorts, consider sending it to me at: Mark Weber, PO Box 654, East Amherst, NY 14051. I really like the Canadian feel of the HTH music, being someone who grew up watching CBC and living next door to Ontario :) Sincerely, Mark in Buffalo meetmarkweber.com
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