Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Reading Update

So just to let you know what I'm reading lately - I've been waiting for this book from my library since about the middle of June. It's called The 100 Mile Diet. The gist of it is that this couple who live in Vancouver decided to try for one year to only eat food that came from within a 100 mile radius of their home. They take turns writing chapters which makes it entertaining. I'll report more on that when I'm done.

The other book is another off the grid type of book, It's called The Self-Sufficiency Specialist. My new favorite thing I learned about in this book is a Trombe Wall. Check it out.


Cherylyn. 8/06/2008 3:04 PM  

wow. that first book sounds really interesting!
you read the coolest books ever, Glenn!

see you tomorrow!

kathryn 8/09/2008 4:13 PM  

i've seen this book around. .i was at the farmer's market downtown this a.m. WOW! TONS OF PPL!!! I overheard one customer talking to one of the vendors, saying "Its so worth it to come here, know i'm supporting local farmers." I couldn't agree more. Got some great potatoes, beets, zucchini and corn - brought my own reusable bags too!

wow, going off the grid i think is a full time job, one few ppl have the time, knowledge or finances to actually execute. I would like to see more affordable energy options for the average home/vehicle owner -- solar, wind, hydrogen fuel cells, not to mention more affordable eco-friendly building materials. . its all so much $$ I know there are a lot of little things we can all do. but i wouldn't mind doing some of the bigger things too if it wasn't out of my reach.


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