Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Training Update

The Missoula Marathon is less than 3 weeks away so I knew this past weekend had to be my last long run. Being on the road isn't too conducive to running for 3 hours so I waited till I got home and did the run yesterday. My previous long run a couple of weeks ago was 20 miles so I figured I needed to up that a couple and ran 22 miles yesterday with the plan of gradually speeding up throughout the run. The gradual speed up idea was based on an article I read in Runners World recently.

Anyway, I finished the run but it sure didn't feel great and I am feeling it today. I didn't even gradually speed up! I was pretty steady for the first 15-17 miles then I started to slow down. The gradual speed up thing may be a good idea but I think it's something I'll work on next time I'm training not start three weeks before a marathon. I kind of feel like my body is going to be tired after three hours of running either way so there's no point in holding back till the end! I don't think I put on enough miles each week for it to work.

My goal is to finish in 3:20 however after yesterday I fear that may be too lofty. I will be happy if I beat my 3:31 time from the last two marathons I've run but a 3:20 would be great!

If you haven't visited my Team World Vision page where I am trying to raise money through this marathon check it out. The plan is to raise enough to buy 13 goats for families that can use them. That's one goat for every 2 miles of running! Will you please help? We've already covered the the first 13.1 miles of the marathon, $75 pays for two miles and 1 goat. We're halfway there, only 13.1 more miles to go.

Click here to give.



Anonymous,  6/28/2008 6:29 PM  

Negative spliting (aka getting progressively faster over the course of the run) is something only really mature runners can do. As in, friends of mine who compete at the national collegiate level have a hard time doing it consistently. It's a lofty and appropriate goal, to be sure, but most of my life I've been happy if I manage to keep my splits even and not get progressively slower over the course of the run.


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